
xEec - Language details

xEec has a set of 9 instructions. Some of them work with parameters that specify its behavior. All instructions must be separated by white spaces. xEec is not case sensitive.

xEec operates on a single Stack of 64 bit wide unsigned integers. It has an internal flag (Carry Flag) that will be set every time an arithmetic operation overflows.

Semicolons are used to mark a comment. Everything after a semicolon, will be ignored by xEec.

If xEec encounters a jump instruction but cannot find the matching label for this jump, the program will terminate.

From here on, let us assume that the right most item of a list is the top of the stack, consequently, that is the value the next POP instruction will discard. So, if we have the Stack: [1,2,3] and we call POP, 3 will come out, leaving [1,2] behind.
The opposite is true for PUSH: same stack: [1,2,3], PUSH 4, stack is now: [1,2,3,4].

xEec instructions set

|            |         |Pushes a number or a char onto the stack h#9 pushes a 9, h$0 pushes 48     |                                          |
|    Push    |    h    |(ASCII code for 0) and h? will push 1 if the Carry is set, 0 otherwise.    |                                                  |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Discards the top of the stack.                                             |
|    Pop     |    p    |                                                                           |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Creates a jump label. >lbl creates a label called lbl.                     |
|    Label   |    >    |                                                                           |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Inputs a number or a char and place it on top of the stack.                |
|    Input   |    i    |i# inputs a number and i$ inputs a char.                                   |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Outputs the top of the stack as number or char. o# for numbers - o$        |
|    Output  |    o    |for chars. This instruction does not perform a pop.                        |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Jumps to a label. jz will jump if top of the stack is zero, jn otherwise.  |
|    Jump    |    j    |jzlbl will jump to label lbl if top of the stack is zero.                  |
|            |         |This instruction does not perform a pop.                                   |
|            |         |Rolls the stack 1 position to the left.                                    |
|    Roll    |    r    |Before: [1,2,3] After [2,3,1].                                             |
|            |         |                                                                           |
|    Copy    |         |Copies the top of the stack to its tail. Before: [1,2,3] After: [3,1,2,3]  |
|     to     |    t    |                                                                           |
|    tail    |         |                                                                           |
|            |         |Performs one of the two possible arithmetic operations in xEec:            |
| Arithmetic |    m    |ma addition or ms subtraction.                                             |
|            |         |These instructions will pop the top two elements of the stack and push into|
|            |         |it the result of that operation.                                           |


There is a simple interpreter written in C++ here(Windows version). As I said, it is very very simple - it just execute your xEec programs.
The source code is here, if you are feeling like implementing some Debuging features, please, be my guest!

xEec Programming examples

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